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Raven by Paul Leatherdale

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Raven by Paul Leatherdale

Raven is the story of four teenage boys growing up in the Suffolk countryside who enlist to fight in the First World War. They are all under age and around 15 at the time they join the army and the Suffolk Regiment.

Leatherbound Press

Published by Leathers Press

With a sharp and powerful kick, the stool was propelled from beneath her, the drop was sudden and deadly and, as her neck snapped and her life was gone, Raven instantly appeared and at the precise moment of Louisa’s passing and with her bill wide open, she accepted the transfer of her dearest friend’s rapidly departing spirit and soul!

Excerpt from Raven

“What are they doing?” she cried. It was like a whirlwind of dark-feathered bodies tearing all about them, a compact, angry black mass of birds intent on doing them harm. “What the hell is going on?” Tilly screamed.

Excerpt from Raven

Tilly could see its bright, red eyes boring into her from out of the darkness. It seemed to be reaching into her very soul. She felt as if she were suffocating and couldn’t move, her chest tightened, as the bird intensified its gaze, its hold over her seemed to last forever, then in a second it too was gone and the darkness around them was once again complete and still.

Excerpt from Raven

Suddenly, something pale and ethereal caught Billy’s eye. Moving towards him, out of the heart of the ghastly cloud, came a delicate female form, gracefully and elegantly shrouded in a long, white hooded cloak.

Excerpt from Raven

Willow continued to scream, the wind grew ever stronger and murderously tore at the trees standing all around them. The men, with ears still covered, cowered in the centre of the clearing, huddled together for protection. Surely this would all stop soon!

Excerpt from Raven

Billy acknowledged the instruction and brought his Lee-Enfield to his shoulder. He’d already removed the lens covers of his scope, so was quickly able to scan the horizon as directed. He pulled the bolt back and pushed it smoothly forward again, moving a bullet from the magazine into the breech, he was ready to fire!

Excerpt from Raven

The crazy German aircraft were buzzing around the sky again, continuously and meticulously taking note of the Allied positions and reporting back the information to the German gun batteries waiting somewhere out there in the distance.

Excerpt from Raven

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